Ultimately, most of us play to win and, we'll try anything legal, including playing a "system" which often can wriggle into a King's Pawn opening (French, Pirc, Philidor, Caro-Kann, or Pirc Defence) by beginning with 1. d4! Seven chapters concentrate on avoiding the Richter-Veresov proper. However, seventeen chapters do concentrate on a straightforward method of play which can involve excitement, combinations, and daring as much as any other chess opening. Over 550 game citations are offered, including 21 by Master Veresov and 10 by Master Richter. Modern grandmaster treatments are seen by Mestrovic, Miles, and Morozevich-the M&Ms. This comprehensive 1999 study is the first since Bellin's 1983 work.Grandmaster Gufeld is a prodigious chess writer, formerly from the Soviet Union, as is his research assistant Master Oleg Stetsko. My good friend Bob Long is a staunch advocate of the Richter-Veresov opening, which he employs for the psychological reason of steering (perhaps herding is more appropriate) his opponents into unfamiliar territory on the second move: 2. Nc3. This denies Black the chance to play the typical responses to 1. d4, that is, the Queen's Gambit, the King's Indian, or the Grünfeld. For his psychological motives and his numerous games with the Richter-Veresov, I must grant Mr. Long a Doctorate in Psychology. Aside from the psychological advantages of playing this opening, "Dr." Long demonstrates that the Richter allows White the option of central or kingside play. The following game illustrates this feature quite nicely, and it shows how the accumulation of small advantages results in a strong attack. Long-Shall, Moline, IL1992:1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Bg5 Bf5 [3... Nbd7 is more popular these days] 4. f3 [Supporting central play with an eventual e4, or kingside play with g4.] c6 5. g4!?[An interesting and aggressive plan.] Bg6 6. h4 h6 7. Bf4 e6 8. e3 Bd6 9. Nh3 Qc7 10. Bd3 e5 [If 10... Bxd3 11. Qxd3, White will castle long and utilize his kingside advantage. Therefore, Black tries for counterplay in the center.] 11. dxe5 Bxe5 12. Bxg6 fxg6 13. Qd3 Bxc3+ [If 13... Kf7, then 14. Bxd6 Qxd6 15. Nf4.] 14. Qxc3 Qf7 15. 0-0-0 [Or 15. g5 hxg5 16. Nxg5 Qe7.] Nbd7 16. Qb4!!. A grandmaster move which prevents castling on both wings and exploits Black's weakened dark squares, for if 16... 0-0-0, then 17. Qa5 and White is winning. White now has a winning advantage [What more could one want from an opening?] which he eventually converted on move 46. GM Eduard Gufeld 1999 , Foreword Details Weitere Informationen Gewicht 300 g Hersteller Thinkers' Press Breite 15,2 cm Höhe 22,8 cm Medium Buch Erscheinungsjahr 1999 Autor Eduard GufeldOleg Stetsko Reihe New Ideas Sprache Englisch ISBN-10 0938650971 ISBN-13 9780938650973 Seiten 192 Einband kartoniert Inhalt 004 Symbols 005 Preface 006 Introduction 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Bg5 013 One: 3... c5 021 Two: 3... c5 4. e3 024 Three: 3... Bf5 030 Four: 3... Bf5 4. Bxf6 038 Five: 3... Bf5 4. e3 041 Six: 3... Nbd7 4. Nf3/4. e3 049 Seven: 3... Nbd7 4. Nf3 e6 060 Eight: 3... Nbd7 4. Nf3 g6 072 Nine: 3...Nbd74.Qd3 082 Ten: 3... Nbd7 4. f3 c6 088 Eleven: 3... Nbd7 4. f3 e6 091 Twelve: 3... Nbd7 4. f3 h6 096 Thirteen: 3... c6 4. Bxf6 / 4. Qd2 101 Fourteen: 3... c6 4. f3 103 Fifteen: 3... c6 4. Qd3 108 Sixteen: 3... c6 4. e3 110 Seventeen: 3... g6 / h6 / Nc6 Deviations 122 Eighteen: After 2. Nc3 125 Nineteen: 2... c5 3. Bg5 130 Twenty: 2... c5 3. Bg5 Qb6 136 Twenty-One: 2... c5 3. dxc5 144 Twenty-Two: 2... e6 3. Bg5 152 Twenty-Three: 2... e6 3. e4 Bb4 156 Twenty-Four: 2... d6 162 Twenty-Five: 2... Bf5 / f5 170 Games from 1998-1999 176 Openings' Index 185 Players' Index 189 The Authors 190 Colophon and Diskette Info 191 The Publisher's Notes window.authenticationPopup = "autocomplete":"off","customerRegisterUrl":"https:\/\/www.schachversand.de\/customer\/account\/create\/","customerForgotPasswordUrl":"https:\/\/www.schachversand.de\/customer\/account\/forgotpassword\/","baseUrl":"https:\/\/www.schachversand.de\/","customerLoginUrl":"https:\/\/www.schachversand.de\/customer\/ajax\/login\/" "#authenticationPopup": "Magento_Ui/js/core/app": "components":"authenticationPopup":"component":"Magento_Customer\/js\/view\/authentication-popup","children":"messages":"component":"Magento_Ui\/js\/view\/messages","displayArea":"messages","captcha":"component":"Magento_Captcha\/js\/view\/checkout\/loginCaptcha","displayArea":"additional-login-form-fields","formId":"user_login","configSource":"checkout" , "*": "Magento_Ui/js/block-loader": 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Richter-Veresov System :: Chameleon Chess Repertoire
B) The Trompowsky against 1...Nf6 or the London against 1...d5 - I've dabbled with the Tromp off and on over the years but finally put some real effort into learning it better in the past year, to have an opening that bridges the gap between the ecosystem I know and more mainstream chess.
5) Richter-Veresov System: The Chameleon Chess Repertoire by Eduard Gufeld and Oleg Stetsko (Thinkers' Press 1999/2000), 192 pp.I very much like the spirit and structure of this book, which presents the Richter-Veresov (generally beginning 1.d4 and 2.Nc3 for White) as a complex system of inter-connected transpositions, flowing freely between typical 1.d4 and 1.e4 lines. Hence the idea of "the chameleon" repertoire: the multiple transpositions allow White to camouflage his intentions so that Black cannot always predict the type of structure that will result. Rather than analyzing specific lines, Gufeld and Stetsko present a number of structures (e.g.: Benoni, Sicilian, French, Pirc, and Caro-Kann) and they analyze classic illustrative games, including many of Gufeld's own (typically on the Black side). The authors present a refreshingly balanced treatment of the opening that makes no claims for White's superiority. In fact, it's one of those rare White repertoire books where a significant portion of the games are drawn or won by Black. This emphasizes the point that Gufeld and Stetsko seek most of all to help the student of this opening system understand the principles and ideas of both sides so that he can find his own way through what continues to be relatively open territory with plenty of room for original play. The games themselves are all very rich and interesting, there is both analysis and historical treatment, and the breadth of the repertoire means that improving players will inevitably learn a great deal about a wide range of structures. I think this is therefore a valuable and worthwhile book, even if I have some doubts about the Richter-Veresov as a reliable long-term system. Those with a serious interest in these lines might also like to pick up Nigel Davies's The Veresov (Everyman 2003 -- game collection at Chessgames.com) and (if you can find it) Jimmy Adams's still useful Richter Veresov System (The Chess Player 1978), neither of which I list here because they are not strictly "repertoires." I have seen this book practically remaindered in various places, for cheap, so I recommend you snap it up if you like this sort of thing before the opportunity disappears. 2ff7e9595c