However, what you are mentioning sounds a lot like Musical Ear Syndrome. I also wonder whether you were on any psychotropic drugs either before or during the time you experienced this phantom music. This seems consistent with seeing the vivid colors from taking certain drugs.
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It sounds like your grandpa is experiencing a common form of Musical Ear Syndrome. It would be a good idea for him (and you) to carefully read my article on MES at -ear-syndrome-the-phantom-voices-ethereal-music-other-spooky-sounds-many-hard-of-hearing-people-secretly-experience/ and then follow the recommendations near the end of the article.
Probably you have Musical Ear Syndrome, rather than audio pareidolia. There is an easy way to tell. When you hear the phantom sounds, turn off any fans, air purifiers, etc in the room (rooms) where you are and see if the phantom music stops. If it instantly stops, then you know you have audio pareidolia. If the phantom sounds continue, then you have MES.
I suggest you carefully read my article on Musical Ear Syndrome at -ear-syndrome-the-phantom-voices-ethereal-music-other-spooky-sounds-many-hard-of-hearing-people-secretly-experience/ and then near the end it gives some things to consider in trying to alleviate or eliminate your MES.
The best thing for her to do is to read my article on musical ear syndrome as it explains what it is and the steps she can take to try and deal with it. She can read this article at -ear-syndrome-the-phantom-voices-ethereal-music-other-spooky-sounds-many-hard-of-hearing-people-secretly-experience/ .
Hi, I am an 18 year old female and have been hearing phantom music all my life. I think I may have MES but what worries me is that a lot of people say it usually comes from the sound of something electric like a fan or air conditioner. I usually turn a fan on to drown out the phantom music. I only hear it when it is quiet and I only hear it at night. I have heard sounds such as a faint radio voices, eery music, light angelic humming, and so on. I was recently diagnosed as autistic and I know that autistic people (including myself) experience auditory processing delays and other issues with understanding speech so I do wonder if that has anything to do with it. If this is not MES and is in fact something else please let me know.
Are you saying you are hearing the phantom music coming from your air purifier and the music going away when you turn it off? If so, you have audio pareidolia rather than MES which is not related to any background sounds.
When hard of hearing people begin hearing phantom voices or music, they immediately worry they are going crazy. It never crosses their minds that they are sane and are just experiencing Musical Ear syndrome. 2ff7e9595c