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Ece 470 Homework Solutions: A Comprehensive Guide to Robotics Concepts and Applications


Homework problems are submitted on Quercus by 5pm on the due date. Homeworks are graded based on (seriously) attempted problems, not correctness. Homeworks that are clearly written and complete are given a mark of 1. Poorly written or incomplete homeworks are given a mark of 0.

Ece 470 Homework Solutions

Preparatory: ME 470, ME 490. System design and optimization course that integrates the disciplines of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer. Intent is to build on and extend information previously acquired in these courses. Emphasis is placed on the synthesis of components into a thermal-fluid system to accomplish a specified task with technical, economical and social constraints. Series of design problems are assigned to the class as homework. These problems require students to incorporate design methodology into their work.

Prerequisites: Background equivalent to a two semester undergraduate course sequence in fluid mechanics; Enrollment for graduate students only. Corequisite: ME 501A or equivalent. Derivation of conservation equations from fundamental principles and the constitutive relations for Newtonian fluids. Exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, including transient and oscillatory solutions. Laminar and turbulent boundary layers as well as Stokes flow solutions. Introduction to the vorticity equation and vortex dynamics. Potential flow applications. 2ff7e9595c


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